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    LGS Library Closed — No Comments

    1. I am 5th generation from henry and eliza spalding. I have a number of bucket list items such as finding a picture of eliza so the painting on the ceiling of the state capitol can show her face, the only one they did not have a likeness to paint from……I would love to see the home they live in outside of Brownsville saved from disuse, the list is too long for this small space, but I have visited the museum in Brownsville….and hope to own a blanket from the woolen mill someday! mary appel

    2. Kim – the mystery photos you’ve posted seem to have 2 pictures of the same woman. See what you think when you look at: Greenwood Studios & H.J. Boyd Studio. Thanks to you and your colleagues for all you do for those searching for their families.

    3. They do look very similar Lora! Perhaps whoever she was, she lived in both Albany and Lebanon.

    4. The Spalding house is no more, but it is possible that some of the windows were used in building the new garage for the new house.

      The house across the street that was built for Amelia when she married is still there.

    5. I’m looking for information on my ancestors. I’m related to two pioneer families from there. The devaney’s and the parishes. Do you have any information or pictures about them?

      • There are many genealogies in the Linn Genealogical Society room at the Albany, Oregon library. I suggest calling the society when the library is open.

    6. My husband is a direct descendant of James G. Crawford. His daughter, Lillian, also worked for a time as a photographer and was my husband’s grandmother. She married William Rader and moved to Rainier, OR where she died in 1938. We have no family photos taken by either James or Lillian, which is very surprising since they were professional photographers. We are unfamiliar with the 4 photos you acquired, but would love to hear from anyone who has any additional photos or info. about J.G. Crawford.

      • Next time I go looking for photos I will keep this in mind


    7. My great grandparents, Andrew Tyra LaGrange and Tryphosa (Phosa) LaGrange lived in Albany in 1910. I cannot find any trace of Andrew after that, and know Phosa was in Portland in 1920. Do you have any information on them in Albany? They were originally in Blodgett, and Phosa is a descendent of the King/Fuller families of King’s Valley.


    8. My gr.gr. grandparents were Gershum and Sarah Palmer VanAtta. They traveled from Illinois to Linn Co. Oregon on the Oregon trail with the Macy train in 1854. They settled East of Harrisburg. One family member was buried there but I can not figure out where the property and grave would be.

    9. Hi Jan,
      I have a picture of the Seidler family at Nye Beach – happy to send you a copy.