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- Obituary: The Santiam News, March 15, 1917.
- age 74 years, 5 months and 17 days. In 1863 when 21 years of age he crossed the plains and settled near Baker City, Oregon. On January 23, 1870 he wedded Miss Minerva Nodine. To this union were born 8 children, 4 sons and 4 daughters. The names of whom are: Fredrick of St. Louis, Mo., George of Harrison, Idaho, Lin and Charles of Wallace, Idaho, Ruby of Los Angeles, California, Mrs. Lloyd Tindall and Mrs. A.H. Pipes of Shelburn and Mrs. D.I. Caldwell of Stayton, Oregon. Mr. Hull moved from Baker City to Shelburn in 1893 and in 1898 he moved to the place where he has since resided.